Thank You & Welcome Iryna!

Thank You & Welcome Iryna!

The Shambhala Archives would like to thank the 74 individual donors in the US and Canada, and the Shambhala Trust, who all have generously helped us reach the goal of $15,200 for the VCTR Ladrang Project. With these funds, we were able to sign a six-month contract...
Ladrang Inventory Project

Ladrang Inventory Project

We are doing a complete inventory of the Ladrang Vault containing all of the sacred objects of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. This will include an update of any condition or location changes of the items. While every object is not on display, each object needs to be...

Gordon Kidd Retires

Gordon Kidd, Technical Director of the Shambhala Archives and Director of Kalapa Recordings, is retiring. For more than twenty years, Gordon has dedicated his time and energy to the preservation of the Vidyadhara’s and Sakyong’s teachings—both in audio and video...
We survived a flood!

We survived a flood!

We Survived A Flood! Technical Director of the Shambhala Archives, Gordon Kidd, reports: In early January a plumbing pipe burst and leaked water over several hours down through two floors of the Halifax Shambhala Centre. Situated below the source of the leak, the...
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