Thank you for your contributions this past year!

With your support, we have been able to accomplish the following, preserving and making available audio, video, and photographs using the latest digital technologies.



Digitized 470 S-VHS tapes for a total of approximately 705 hours. This project began in August of 2020 and was completed in August of 2021 by our new Technical Director, Rosie Pittas.



Transcribed and digitized Kalapa Lodge audio tapes.  This was completed over several months by Archival Assistant, Torin Vigerstad.


Scanned, described, and entered information into our museum database for hundreds of photographs. This project, supported in part by Canada 2021 Summer Jobs Program, was accomplished by summer student Will Hadfield.


Cataloged all the digitated videos, held at the Shambhala Archives, into our Media Database.  This includes descriptive information and data for all the digitized videos.

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