Media & Updates

Welcome to the Media and Updates page for the Shambhala Archives. It’s here where you’ll be able to peek behind the curtain and see what goes on at the Shambhala Archives on a daily basis.

Please watch these amazing videos made by Ethan Neville about the restoration process for the Photographs and Videos held at the Shambhala Archives.

For the second video please watch until the end to see footage of the Sawang Investiture

Recent Event Photos

Parinirvana Day 2022 at the Halifax Shambhala Center

Photos throughout the years

Photos of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Personal Items of the Vidyadhara
Photos by Marvin Moore
Dharma Art + Ikebana
Behind the Scenes at Shambhala Archives
Photos of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Photos by the Vidyadhara
Tibetan Teachers + Events
Location Photos


2016 Winter Newsletter

2016 Winter Newsletter

News from the Shambhala Archives WINTER 2016 Greetings from the Shambhala Archives. So much happened in the Shambhala Archives in 2015 that it was a fun challenge to decide what to put in this newsletter. Here is a selection of activities that have served to preserve,...

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Related Media Links


Here is where you can see hundreds of photos taken throughout the years, including but not limited to, photos by the Vidyadhara, digitized photos of teachers, and professional photographs of the belongings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. When you first arrive it will ask you for your email, we would greatly appreciate if you signed up as it is a very helpful way for us to see who's viewed the gallery.


Here is where you can find numerous videos released by the Shambhala Archives.


If you’d like to keep up to date and learn more about events then check out our Facebook page. In the future we hope to include things like event throwbacks, behind the scenes, and news relating to the Archives.

The Chronicles

Shambhala Archives worked with The Chronicles to publish digitized audio recordings of the Vidyadhara so that it can be accessible to everyone.

Kalapa Publications

Kalapa Publications sells books and recordings, many of them based on materials in the Archives, and also offers banners and flags, pins, brushes, photographs and prints.

Shambhala Online

Offers live events, interactive courses, and a library of recordings from senior teachers in the Shambhala lineage

Shambhala Times Community Magazine

Shambhala’s news hub—a forum for news and views from all over the Shambhala global community

Shambhala Network

Communications system connecting the Shambhala global community through email, groups and friends

Chogyam Trungpa Institute

The Chogyam Trungpa Legacy project (later CHELA) uses and transforms digitized material from the Archives into an online platform for the teachings of the Vidyadhara.

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