2022 Newsletter

2022 Newsletter

News from the Shambhala Archives Greetings all. This newsletter is designed to keep everyone in touch with the projects and accomplishments, developments and aspirations of the intrepid Archives team. We are three in number right now, Rosie Pittas, Technical Director;...
Ladrang Inventory Project

Ladrang Inventory Project

We are doing a complete inventory of the Ladrang Vault containing all of the sacred objects of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. This will include an update of any condition or location changes of the items. While every object is not on display, each object needs to be...
Recent Projects – 2021

Recent Projects – 2021

 Thank you for your contributions this past year! With your support, we have been able to accomplish the following, preserving and making available audio, video, and photographs using the latest digital technologies.    Video Digitized 470 S-VHS tapes for...
Lama Pema visits Shambhala Archives

Lama Pema visits Shambhala Archives

Lama Pema, from Thrangu Monastery Canada Vancouver, recently visited Karma Changchub Ling (KCCL) in Halifax.  Lama Pema was also given a tour of the Halifax Shambhala Centre and Shambhala Archives by Jeanne Riordan. He was most interested in a robe that Trungpa...
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