The Chogyam Trungpa Institute

The Sakyong, Lady Diana, the Mukpo Family, and Shambhala join with Naropa University to announce the establishment of the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa. Chogyam Trungpa founded Naropa 
University in 1974 as a place to foster both intellect and intuition, and to 
spark curiosity and deep inquiry. His
 view and his work have infused 
the university and its development.

Chogyam Trungpa Institute is being launched during the 30th anniversary of his death to highlight the work of its founder. Carolyn Rose Gimian, founding director of the Shambhala Archives and director of the Chogyam Trungpa Legacy Project is being appointed the first director of the Institute.

CTI will be an academic center of excellence and a research center, encouraging a critical assessment by scholars and practitioners of Chogyam Trungpa’s body of teachings and his place in the development of Buddhism in the West. The Institute will develop and host an extensive digital platform to access his 
extensive lectures, poetry and art. 
Naropa is establishing the Institute with the close 
collaboration and support of the 
family of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the Shambhala Archives. Overall, the institute will foster and serve a broad community of those interested in the work of Chogyam Trungpa. The Chogyam Trungpa Institute will also seek to support new directions that honor the spirit of his work, through expositions, classes, research, debate, and other means.

The Institute’s projects and direction may include:

  • Establishing an academic center of excellence and a research center. 

  •  A home and central access point for CHELA, the Chogyam Trungpa Electronic Library and 
Archives, a digital platform for Chogyam Trungpa’s extensive audio, video and visual archive 

  • A collaborative effort: working cooperatively with the family of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, 
the Shambhala Archives, the Allen Ginsberg Library, faculty and staff at Naropa University, and other institutions and organizations. 

  • A place to train future editors, cultural historians, artists, buddhologists, Chogyam Trungpa scholars and caretakers for the extensive written, audio and visual materials related to his life and teachings 

  • A publisher for lightly edited monographs and other collections of writings  of or related to his work, in cooperation with Naropa University Press and Shambhala Publications 

  • A creator and curator of exhibits relevant to the life and legacy of Chogyam Trungpa 

  • A center to collect and provide access to oral histories, biographical resources, and other relevant documents, personal papers, and historical materials

For further information, visit the website or contact Director, Carolyn Rose Gimian at [email protected]

Thank You & Welcome Iryna!

The Shambhala Archives would like to thank the 74 individual donors in the US and Canada, and the Shambhala Trust, who all have generously helped us reach the goal of $15,200 for the VCTR Ladrang Project. With these funds, we were able to sign a six-month contract...

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